Starfleet Platoon
Ranma 1/2: The Aura of Dragons -
By: Sonic, CmptrWz, Shadower, Tempest
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Kalshion was outside the tent and looking up at the sky, it was raining but they used there powers to create a small barrier around them so they wouldn't get wet.

He took a look at the spot where Joe looked at lastnight, he narrow'd his eyes a bit. Then walked out toward a lake for a swim.

Katarina was already up and swimming, he never saw her swim before. So he decided to watch for awhile, it was about 5 minutes later when they felt the same aura they felt back at the school. They looked toward the north of the lake and at the top of a mountain,"Its up there... come on lets go", Katarina and Kalshion packed up there tent and began the long jounary toward the mountain",They began to get the feeling that they where being followed.. Kalshion didn't like being followed so while walking he opened his palm and aimed it right in back of him firing a ice cold beam at the forest.. freezing it over,"Who ever was following us should be a popsical by now","You do realize that, that will cause the town to come here and investigate","Yea"

Kalshion and Katarina made frequent stops along the route.. always getting the feeling they where being watched.

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