Starfleet Platoon
Ranma 1/2: The Aura of Dragons -
By: Sonic, CmptrWz, Shadower, Tempest
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***At about 9 PM***

Tommy was filled with mixed feelings tonight, the barrier was cleared yes, but there was some things that were just bugging his mind lately. How could the old guy really take Esuna as a joke? What was causing all of these strange things about town? Who was that guy he saw at the ‘theme park’ and why did he mention something about them seeing each other again? All of the questions bounced through his mind, but what puzzled him even more was that he had a pretty good idea that Joe and Emeral know what is going on…perhaps even have some involvement with this.

Tommy remembered school was tomorrow, but he figured he could sleep during his first period class. The moon was shining bright, it was full too. Tommy turned around to see the 8-Mile CD on his desk, he thought of cracking it into pieces but he decided it would make a great trick to play one someone. He smiled and got onto his computer to check up on some last minute things and then go to sleep. He had a lot of questions to ask tomorrow.

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