Starfleet Platoon
Ranma 1/2: The Aura of Dragons -
By: Sonic, CmptrWz, Shadower, Tempest
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The Mysterious Man watched as all the outer-worlders arrived, and sent a minion in another world out to find more info on them. In the meantime he noticed Akane start writing, and the spell he had put on her pen and paper start to do its work. By the time the spell had worked its way through Akane everything she wrote with the pen would affect her dreams, and everything she wrote on the paper would affect her body and mind the next time she slept. Both would wear off the next time she went to sleep, but it would be fun to watch in the meantime. He had never seen the two spells used at the same time, so he had no idea what exactly would happen. He figured she would think that what she dreampt had started coming true. Little did he know of the potential side effects created by what she was writing about.......

The Man knew it would take a while before he could see anything with Akane, and was getting bored, so he went looking for more to do in the meantime. His minion was having trouble finding information, so he decided to look for someone to mess with for a while. It didn't take him long to find Happosai, out on a panty raid. As soon as the portal was showing Happosai he stopped, looking around. The Man was amused, for Happosai seemed to be able to sense that someone was watching him. That just created a bigger challenge, so the Man went to work.

A few minutes later there was a cursed rack of "treasures" in Happosai's path. They all had the same curse, as the Man hadn't had a lot of time, but he would enjoy it well enough. Happosai quickly cleared the entire rack and triggered the curse. Soon he and his collection were flying in opposite directions.

The Man snickered and put the cursed items back in his pouch, wondering what Happosai would do for the next week, during which he would be forcibly repelled from any and all female clothing he got within two feet of.

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