Starfleet Platoon
Ranma 1/2: The Aura of Dragons -
By: Sonic, CmptrWz, Shadower, Tempest
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Tommy was about to turn a corner leading to his street when he noticed another beam of yellow energy come out of the sky. Suspicious of its origin he started walking back to where he came from since the beam came from there. On his way back he noticed large areas of the wall section at the park across the street had been crumbled as if someone punched through them or something.

It was about 5 minutes later he heard someone scream and a bunch of clouds going into the clouds. He also noticed a large cat lurking around in the dark, Tommy felt like chasing it off but he figured that it was worthless.

When he finally got to the temple where the beams had come from he saw Klashion and Katarina walking out of the temple with swords on thier backs as well as some camping equipment...wondering where they were going and what was going on with those beams Tommy slung he bag around his back and ran up to them to find out what was going on.

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