The Man had put a lot of time and energy into his creation, a gift that Sonic/Rose would get without knowing they had gotten it. He was still not done, but the current stage had to sit for a while without aid so the Man set a timer and walked over to his mirror to wait.
He saw Happosai launch towards Rose, Sonic knock him into Lunar Orbit, and agreed that a stronger cloak should have been used. He watched them examine the moon, much to his delight, and find nothing at all, and just before leaving for the dragon world sending Happosai flying towards Earth. At least the man didn't have to give Happosai a push.
The Man continued to watch, his barrier only preventing people from looking in, as Sonic/Rose learned of the past, made their conclusions about what had happened to Sharon, and recieve the crystal. He watched them return, and the battle that ensued, and was even kind enough to open a channel to the dragon world for the souls that were released.
Soon he was watching DS try and figure out more of what was going on, noting DS's plan. The Man decided to let DS find what he would from the being he had trapped long ago, half wondering why he had let the being live for so long. Probably his evil side wanting to preserve evil when it didn't seem to be a threat.
The Man's train of thought was de-railed by a beeping, the waiting part of his process was over, so he got back to work. Normally he wouldn't be preparing something like this, but with the current situation he knew he had to prepare for the worst, assume he was underestimating his opponent. He would, however, be done soon, and could then get back to his more immedietly noticeable curse.
He just hoped his cloak and curse would be good enough to pass inspection, and that the secondary curse would go undetected.